Why finished art is important
If you've made it this far into this journey, you have probably heard me mention my love for finished art. If I were a betting woman, I would put good money on the fact that 99% of you reading this have a CD-ROM, or thumb drive, or a folder on your computer of images that you never printed (I know I do!) Somewhere in this binary code, is evidence of an event in your life. The outfits were picked out months in advance, hair was curled, and expectations may or may not have been met. An investment was made on your part, and that season of your life was frozen in time, hopefully commemorated for generations to come.
And maybe you did print the images, or maybe you’ve lost them (like I did when a lightning bolt killed my data towers). The point is, I feel like it is my duty to provide the highest-quality physical portrait products so if those little pixels blip out, you still have printed proof that you existed.